Category: Dog Wellness

Keeping Your Four-Legged Friend Cool this Summer

July 13, 2024
Keeping Your Four-Legged Friend Cool this Summer
Not only do humans have to stay cool during the hot months, but our dogs also face danger. Our animal companions may be seriously at risk from the extreme heat, including heat stroke, dehydration, and sunburn. It's critical to understand how to shield your dog from the summer heat in order to keep them safe […]
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Building the Groundwork for a Happy Dog: A Social Beginning

May 13, 2024
Building the Groundwork for a Happy Dog: A Social Beginning
Now is the wonderful time to start your journey toward a happy, well-mannered dog. The significance of socializing your dog from an early age cannot be overstated. It creates the conditions for a future with few behavioral issues and a positive outlook. It is your responsibility as a responsible pet owner to support your puppy […]
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Tips to Ease Your Dog's Separation Anxiety

March 13, 2024
Tips to Ease Your Dog's Separation Anxiety
Have you seen any changes in your pet's behavior when you say goodbye to them each morning? Perhaps when you reach for the doorknob, they may start to cry, pace, or even become aggressive. This seems to go beyond mere disappointment and could be closer to separation anxiety. Even though it's a common and distressing […]
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Tips for Boarding Your Dog

February 17, 2024
Tips for Boarding Your Dog
Pet owners may now enjoy occasional escapes, whether they are 10-day retreats or weekend getaways, thanks to dog boarding centers and doggy daycares. Packing your baggage is one of the most fun parts of getting ready for a trip. It's also one of the most crucial, though, since forgetting to bring essentials can leave you […]
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Vaccinating Your Dog to Keep Them Safe

January 13, 2024
Vaccinating Your Dog to Keep Them Safe
It is imperative that your canine companion maintains current vaccination records, regardless of whether you plan to lodge them for a prolonged vacation or simply during the day while you are at work. Ensuring that all canine visitors have current vaccinations guarantees a more secure environment for all individuals involved. A red flag is typically […]
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Preparing Your Pup for Short-Term Boarding: A Stress-Free Experience for Your Furry Friend

October 11, 2023
Preparing Your Pup for Short-Term Boarding: A Stress-Free Experience for Your Furry Friend
Dogs are not just pets; they are cherished members of the family. However, there are times when you might need to travel or handle situations where your furry companion cannot accompany you. During such times, short-term boarding at On the Spot Play and Stay can be an excellent solution. Boarding facilities offer a safe and […]
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Behavioral Considerations at Dog Boarding Facilities

September 11, 2023
Behavioral Considerations at Dog Boarding Facilities
A common concern for dog owners interested in boarding their furry friend is the safety of their dog while at the facility. Because there are many dogs together in one place, it can be worrisome to think about a possible injury inflicted by another dog. It’s important to know how the facility monitors the dogs […]
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Common Illness/Ailments Dogs Can Get from Social Settings – Part 2

August 11, 2023
Common Illness/Ailments Dogs Can Get from Social Settings – Part 2
Be sure to read Part 1 of this blog series before diving into Part 2 here. Concerns about illness or injury from boarding is common for many dog owners. There are many ways to ensure your pet pal is protected so they can still enjoy social settings, and you can enjoy vacations without worrying about […]
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Common Illness/Ailments Dogs Can Get from Social Settings – Part 1

July 11, 2023
Common Illness/Ailments Dogs Can Get from Social Settings – Part 1
Concerns about illness or injury is a big reason many people choose not to send their dogs to boarding or daycare facilities. Although this is an understandable concern, if your furry friend is current on vaccinations and you’ve done some research on a good facility, your pet should be safe. Still, like kids at school, […]
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Vaccinations Keep Your Dog Safe

February 11, 2023
Vaccinations Keep Your Dog Safe
Whether you’re boarding your furry best friend for a long vacation or just during the day while you’re at work, they must be current on their vaccinations. Ensuring that all our dog visitors are current on vaccines creates a safer environment for everyone involved. During your search for doggy daycares, if you come across a […]
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